Common Worries of Parents About the Newborn Baby

In this post, we discuss Common Worries of Parents About the Newborn Baby. Welcoming a newborn baby into the world is exciting, but it’s normal for parents to worry. Learn about common concerns such as sleeping patterns, feeding, crying, developmental milestones, health, SIDS, and bonding. Get reassurance and guidance for caring for your newborn baby.

Topics Covered: Worries of Parents About the Newborn, Common Worries of Parents About the Newborn Baby, Tips to ease common parental worries, common parental worries, Newborn Concerns and Tips

[Also Read: Taking Care of Newborns at Home]

Common worries of parents about the Newborn Baby

  • The baby sleeps all day and does not feed well.
  • Baby doesn’t sleep enough, and cries most of the time.
  • Mother is not having enough breastmilk.
  • The baby is not sucking milk properly.
  • Baby is hungry even after taking breastfeeding and requires extra milk each time.
  • Baby is bringing out milk from mouth and nose after the feeding.
  • The baby is having abdominal pain.
  • Baby is not passing stool frequently or passing too frequently.
  • Baby has some suspicious kind of eye and body movements.
  • Baby is having a cold as the sound from the nose is coming and baby is sneezing.
  • Baby’s eyes and skin are looking too yellow.
  • Should I keep all medicines at home for all possible baby problems?
  • Will Baby get any infection if we take them out of the house?
  • Can bad omen disturb the health of child and family happiness?

Tips to ease common parental worries about newborns:

Sleeping Patterns

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One of parents’ most common worries is whether their baby is sleeping enough or too much. It is important to remember that newborns sleep for most of the day, typically around 16 to 17 hours. However, their sleep is often in short bursts and can be irregular. This is completely normal and part of their developing sleep patterns. As long as your baby is waking up for regular feeds and appears content when awake, there is no need to be overly concerned.

  • Baby can sleep up to 20 hours in a day. It is a natural behavior.
  • Some newborns can have different sleeping behaviors as they sleep for less time. This is Absolutely Normal.


Feeding and Nutrition

Another worry that parents often have is whether their baby is getting enough milk or formula. It is natural to be concerned about your baby’s nutrition, especially in the early weeks. However, if your baby is having regular wet diapers, gaining weight steadily, and seems satisfied after feeds, these are positive signs that they are getting enough nourishment.

  • Most of the mothers naturally produce enough milk for their newborns. In case of not have enough milk, they should take the help of a lactation doctor and nurses
  • Newborns are naturally aggressive feeders..they just need to be trained well for the first few days in case the mother is having breast/nipple problems. Do not hesitate to take your lactation doctor consultation.
  • Newborns who have actively fed on their mother’s breast for 15-20 minutes will be taking enough milk as per their need, If taking longer time to feed, they may be just comfort feeding. Still worried take medical help and show it to your doctor
  • Baby can spit out milk from their mouth and nose after feeds. As their esophageal and gastric junction is still maturing. Burp the baby well and for a longer time to reduce these episodes.
  • Baby can occasionally have colicky abdominal pain, but most of the time crying of the baby and tight feeling of the abdominal wall while normal movements of baby are mistaken as colic. If the baby is burped well regularly and parents follow a good routine for the baby, colic will be less.
  • Baby’s stool frequency can normally vary from passing 10-12 small amounts of yellow/green color stools to not passing at all till 4-5 days. Don’t worry in these situations.


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Newborns cry as a means of communication, and it is normal for parents to worry about why their baby is crying. While it can be challenging to determine the exact reason, common causes of crying include hunger, discomfort, tiredness, or the need for a diaper change. Remember that it is normal for babies to cry, and it does not necessarily indicate a problem. Trust your instincts and try different soothing techniques to help calm your baby.

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

SIDS is a fear that often lingers in the minds of new parents. While it is a rare occurrence, it is understandable that parents worry about it. To reduce the risk of SIDS, it is recommended to place your baby on their back to sleep, ensure a safe sleep environment, and avoid exposure to smoking or secondhand smoke. Following these guidelines can help alleviate some of the worries associated with SIDS.

Other Newborn Concerns and Tips

  • Newborns have sudden uncontrolled startle responses sometimes due to their neuromuscular maturity and sudden noise or stimulation. This in general case is normal. However, if it reoccurs continuously then one should seek a doctor’s help.
  • Babies have small nostrils which can easily get blocked by secretions, and they sneeze often to remove the secretions often mistaken as cold. In case of such an issue putting normal saline drops after doctor consultation is helpful.
  • Most newborns will develop jaundice after a few days of birth which appears as yellow discoloration of eyes and skin which gradually reduces over the next few days naturally, but some newborns can have high jaundice levels and need treatment in the form of phototherapy in the hospital (not sunlight) so always consult with your newborn’s Neonatologist/Pediatrician and visit regularly as per their advise.
  • Newborns can have subtle symptoms initially for all their problems which can rapidly progress to serious problems, so it is advised not to give medicines and keep them without advice at home. For even small issues please visit your Newborn’s doctor and get them examined and receive proper medical advice.
  • Baby’s first month is a very sensitive period as their immunity is getting strengthened by taking the mother’s feed, so it is advised not to take the newborn out of the house much except for medical visits.
  • Newborn getting a problem due to a bad omen/person is a myth and a perception held by personal attributes of the parents or family. If we are taking good care of our newborn, should not worry about bad omen or think negatively.


Many parents worry about whether they are bonding well with their baby or if they are doing enough to promote attachment. It is important to remember that bonding is a process that takes time and is unique for every parent and baby. Spending quality time with your baby, engaging in skin-to-skin contact, and responding to their needs are all ways to foster a strong bond. Trust in your instincts and know that your love and care are essential for your baby’s well-being.

As a new parent, it is natural to have worries and concerns about your newborn baby. Remember that you are not alone, and many other parents share similar worries. Seeking support from healthcare professionals, family, and friends can provide reassurance and guidance during this exciting and challenging time. Trust in your instincts, enjoy the precious moments with your baby, and remember that you are doing a great job as a parent.

Nirmal Gautam
Dr. Nirmal Gautam

Dr. Nirmal Gautam is a renowned pediatrician and medical professional with 14 years of experience in the healthcare industry. He specializes in preventive medicine and believes in the power of education to promote overall well-being. Through his engaging and informative articles, Dr. Gautam aims to empower individuals to take charge of their health and make informed decisions.

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